Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive.

Linear Actuators

Servo actuators are an assembly of a brush or brushless servo motor, zero backlash Harmonic Drive® gear, and a high capacity output bearing. These elements are contained within the housing.

Linear Actuators

Harmonic Drive Linear Actuators deliver both high force and outstanding positional accuracy. These actuators provide linear forces from 49N to 12,000N with sub-micron position resolution.

LAH Linear Actuator

LAH Linear Actuator

Precision linear actuator ideal for measuring instruments, test and inspection systems, optical equipment, semiconductor and LCD manufacturing.

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LA Linear Actuator

LA Linear Actuator

LA Series is compact linear actuator having high-resolution and high-thrust. This series, available in two models: LA-30B-10F and LA-32-30-F, has maximum thrust of force 49N and 0.0174 micrometers of resolution, and high precision.

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LBC Linear Actuator

LBC Linear Actuator

LBC linear actuators are available in 2 models: LBC-25A-5D6K with maximum thrust force 6000N and 0.32 micrometers of resolution, and LBC-25A-5D12K with maximum thrust force 12000N and 0.16 micrometers of resolution.

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Monday through Friday