Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
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FHA-Mini Rotary Actuator

The FHA-C Mini Series is a family of extremely compact Actuators that deliver high torque with exceptional accuracy and repeatability. The actuator combines a high precision Harmonic Drive® gear component with a pancake brushless servo motor. An incremental or multi-turn absolute encoder is integrated to provide high resolution velocity and position feedback. The large cross roller output bearing allows heavy loads to be mounted directly to the actuator without the need for additional support. New options now available: Dual Absolute Encoder and panel mount connectors!

FHA mini actuators are designed to work with a number of servo drives, including REL, RTL, DDP and HA-680 from Harmonic Drive, and MELSERVO-J4 (SSCNET III/H) from Mitsubishi. FHA mini is also available with a servo drive directly integrated into the actuator.

Key Features:

  • Zero backlash
  • Compact Form Factor
  • Hollow-shaft design (for incremental encoder only)
  • Available with an Incremental, Multi-turn Absolute or Dual Absolute Encoder [new!]
  • Robust Cross Roller Output Bearing Supports High Loads
  • High torque/weight and torque/volume ratio
  • New Panel Mount Connectors option
  • Connects directly with Mitsubishi MELSERVO-J4 (SSCNET III/H)
  • FHA mini is also available with an integrated servo drive [new!]
  • Safety Standard: EN60034-1:2010



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Ordering Code (with Incremental Encoder)

FHA - 8 C - 50 US200 C - E K - SP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Model

: FHA-C Mini Series

2. Size

: 8, 11, 14

3. Design Version

: C

4. Gear Ratio

: 30, 50, 100

5. Encoder Type and Resolution

: US200 - Incremental Encoder with 14 wire 2000p/rev
: E200 - Incremental Encoder with 4 wire serial 2000p/rev

6. Connector (Leads only)

: Blank - Leads without connector (Standard)
: C - Leads with connector for extension cable (Option)

7. Power Supply

: Blank - 100V or 200VAC (Standard)
: E - 24VDC (Option)

8. Options Leads

: Blank - Side exit leads, right of output (Standard)
: K - Back exit leads (Option )


: M1 - 1M length cable (motor & encoder)
: KM1 - Rear exit 1M length cable (motor & encoder)

Panel Mount Connectors2

: -PM1 - Panel Mount Connectors, rear exit
: -PM2 - Panel Mount Connectors, right exit
: -PM3 - Panel Mount Connectors, left exit
: -PM4 - Panel Mount Connectors, top exit

9. Special specification

: Blank - Standard product
: SP____ - Special specification code

Ordering Code (with or Single or Dual Absolute Encoder)

FHA - 8 C - 50 - 12S17b A - C - SP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Model

: FHA-C Mini Series

2. Size

: 8, 11, 14

3. Design Version

: C

4. Gear Ratio

: 30, 50, 100

5. Encoder Type and Resolution

:12S17b - Single Absolute Encoder
Single Turn (17 bit) & Multi-Turn (16 bit)
:SB14bSB14b - Dual Absolute Encoder, BiSS-C, bi-directional
Motor Input Encoder (14 bit) & Gear Output Encoder (14 bit)

6. Power Supply

: A - 100VAC
: G - 200VAC
: E - 24VDC

7. Options Leads1

: Blank - Leads without connector
: C - Leads with connector for extension cable


: M1 - 1M length cable (motor & encoder)

Panel Mount Connectors2

: PM1 - Panel Mount Connectors, rear exit
: PM2 - Panel Mount Connectors, right exit
: PM3 - Panel Mount Connectors, left exit
: PM4 - Panel Mount Connectors, top exit

8. Special specification

: Blank - Standard product
: SP____ - Special specification code

1. only available with single absolute encoder

2. 24VDC only, contact us for other voltages


Specification / Model FHA-8C FHA-11C FHA-14C
Gear Ratio 30 50 100 30 50 100 30 50 100
Maximum Torque N.m 1.8 3.3 4.8 4.5 8.3 11 9.0 18 28
in-lb 15.9 29.2 42.5 39.8 73.5 97.4 79.7 159.3 247.8
Maximum Speed rpm 200 120 60 200 120 60 200 120 60
Torque Constant
Nm/A(rms) 3.9 6.7 14 3.8 6.6 13 4.2 7.2 15
in-lb/A(rms) 34.5 59.3 123.9 33.6 58.4 115.1 37.2 63.7 132.8
Torque Constant
Nm/A(rms) 0.8 1.3 2.7 0.8 1.3 2.6 0.8 1.4 2.9
in-lb/A(rms) 7.1 11.5 23.9 7.1 11.5 23.0 7.1 12.4 25.7
Positioning Accuracy arc-sec 150 120 120 120 90 90 120 90 90
Maximum Moment Load Nm 15 40 75
in-lb 133 354 664
Moment Stiffness Nm/rad 2 x 104 4 x 104 8 x 104
in-lb/rad 18 x 104 35 x 104 71 x 104
Moment of Inertia
Incremental kg-m2 0.0026 0.0074 0.029 0.0060 0.017 0.067 0.018 0.050 0.20
ABS kg-m2 0.0026 0.0073 0.029 0.0062 0.017 0.069 0.019 0.054 0.215
Dual ABS kg-m2 0.0036 0.0100 0.0399 0.007 0.019 0.077 0.019 0.052 0.206
Encoder Type Incremental 2000 pulse/revolution
Absolute Multi-turn 16bit (65536 cpr), Single turn (motor) 17bit (131072 cpr)
Output shaft resolution* Incremental counts/rev 240,000 400,000 800,000 240,000 400,000 800,000 240,000 400,000 800,000
Single ABS 3,932,160 6,553,600 13,107,200 3,932,160 6,553,600 13,107,200 3,932,160 6,553,600 13,107,200
Dual ABS Motor 491,520 819,200 1,638,400 491,520 819,200 1,638,400 491,520 819,200 1,638,400
Dual ABS Output 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384 16,384
Mass Incremental kg 0.40 0.62 1.2
ABS kg 0.50 0.75 1.3
Dual ABS kg 0.40 0.62 1.2
Servo Drive**


(14 wire)

24VDC DCJ-055-09, DDP-090-09 DCJ-055-18, DDP-090-18 DDP-090-36
HA-680-4-24 HA-680-6-24
100V/200VAC RTL-230-18, REL-230-18


(4 wire serial)

24VDC BEL or BPL-090-06 BEL or BPL-090-14 BEL or BPL-090-30
100V/200VAC REL-230-18
Single ABS 24VDC BEL or BPL-090-06 BEL or BPL-090-14 BEL or BPL-090-30
100V/200VAC REL-230-18
Dual ABS 24VDC BEL or BPL-090-06 BEL or BPL-090-14 BEL or BPL-090-30
Drawings Incremental PDF DXF PDF DXF PDF DXF

*Incremental encoder resolution at the output of the actuator = (encoder resolution) x 4 x (gear ratio)
Absolute encoder resolution at the output of the actuator = (encoder bit count) x (gear ratio)
** Driver Communication - DCJ (Step & Direction / Analog), DDP (CanOpen®), REL (EtherCat®), HA-680 & HA-800 available for MechatroLink™ and CC-Link®

Options for Panel Mount Connectors [Available for 24VDC version only]

Outline Drawing (Incremental encoder)

Product Drawing

Dimensions (Incremental encoder)


Actuator Model A ±1 øB øC h7 øD h7 øE F G ±30 Mass (kg)
FHA-8C 50 66 49 33.5 6.2 48.5 300 0.4
FHA-11C 60 80 59 41 8 56 300 0.62
FHA-14C 75 100 74 52.5 13.5 66 300 1.2

Outline Drawing (Absolute encoder)

Product Drawing

Dimensions (Absolute encoder)

Actuator Model A ±1 øB øC h7 øD h7 øE F G ±30 Mass (kg)
FHA-8C 50 66 49 48 33.5 61.8 300 0.50
FHA-11C 60 80 59 58 41 68.5 300 0.75
FHA-14C 75 100 74 73 52.5 78 300 1.3

Optional Extension Cables

Encoder Cable

Encoder Cable Lengths (ZZ)
Encoder Description 03 05 10
Inc CBL-EZZ-L012-N
Dual CBL-EZZ-L012-N

Encoder Voltage Voltage (minimum) requirement
for Cable Length (ZZ)
Encoder Encoder Voltage
Operational Range
03 05 10
Inc 4.75 - 5.25 5 5.2 5.65
ABS 4.75 - 6 5 5 5.4
Dual 4.75 - 30 5 5 5.25

Motor Cable

Motor Cable Lengths (ZZ)
Actuator Description 03 05 10
FHA-8, 11 CBL-MZZ-L004-N


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