Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive.

As we introduce new products that provide greater performance, reliability and value, older product lines are sometimes displaced. We continue to manufacture and support these legacy products, even though they can no longer be used for new applications.

Component Set
Legacy Product Name  Description Status Current Product PDF Downloads
 CS Component Set, Cup Type Production Item CS CS Catalog
 HDA Pancake Direct Interchange FD HDA Catalog
 HDB Pancake Direct Interchange FBB HDB Catalog
 HDC/HDUC Metric Component Set, Cup Type Direct Interchange CS (Metric) HDC Catalog
 HDC English Component Set, Cup Type Production Item HDE HDC Catalog
 HDF Pancake Direct Interchange FB HDF Catalog  
 HDR Pancake Direct Interchange FR HDR Catalog
 HDT Component Set, Cup Type Available SHF-2A or CSF-SP (Wine Glass) HDT Catalog
 HDUA Pancake Direct Interchange  FD HDUA Catalog
 HDUF Pancake Direct Interchange FB HDUF Catalog
 HDUR Pancake Direct Interchange FR  HDUR Catalog
 HKC Component Set, Cup Type Direct Interchange CSS HKC Catalog
 HKS Component Set, Cup Type Direct Interchange CSF HKS Catalog
 Gearheads and Reducers      
Legacy Product Name Description Status Current Product PDF Downloads
 HDUC-0AG Industrial Speed Reducer Direct Interchange ISR HDUC Catalog
 ISR   Industrial Speed Reducer Available ISR ISR Catalog 
 MSR Gearhead, Industrial Speed Reducer Suitable Interchange CSF-GH / CSG-GH MSR Catalog
 PCR Industrial Speed Reducer Available CSF/G-2UH or CSF/G-GH PCR Catalog
 PSA-G Gearhead Direct Interchange CS-1U-CC  or  CSF-1U-CC PSA-G Catalog
 PSF-G Gearhead Suitable Interchange CSF-GH / CSG-GH PSF-G Catalog 
 PSR Gearhead Suitable Interchange

CS-1U  or  CSF-1U

PSR Catalog
 PSS-G Gearhead Suitable Interchange CSF/G-2UH or CSF/G-GH PSS-G Catalog
 RGH Gearhead Suitable Interchange CSF-2UH / CSG-2UH RGH Catalog
Legacy Product Name Description Status Current Product PDF Downloads
 HHA Actuator Available Size 14 only  n/a  HHA Catalog 
 HKM Actuator Suitable Interchange  FHA-C  HKM Catalog 
 PSA-A  Mini Actuator Direct Interchange  RSF mini or RH mini  PSA-A Catalog 
 PSF-A Actuator Suitable Interchange  RKF PSF-A Catalog
 PSS-A Actuator Suitable Interchange  RSF  PSS-A Catalog 
Motors & Servo Drives
MAB Hollow  Shaft Motor Suitable Interchange HMA MAB  Spec Sheet
DEP Digital Servo Drive  Contact us Contact us DEP Brochure



Legacy Information


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